Hello, and thank you for visiting. Even though this page is titled “About” [me], it is really all about how I can help you. If you stumble over grammar rules or would rather ignore that pesky punctuation, I am the editor you’re looking for. Want to be sure that your characters’ eyes/hair/skin color stay the same from chapter to chapter? I can make that happen. Or are you wrestling with meatier issues, such as avoiding info dumps, hoping that your plot holes are covered, or making sure your pacing doesn’t tempt your readers to put your book down? I can break it all down for you.
After many years of working in health care, I decided to switch careers to have more work-life balance. Envision Editing was conceived from a love of reading and reviewing. I have a Professional Sequence in Editing certificate from the University of California, Berkeley, and offer developmental and copy editing. I continue to write reviews but on a more limited basis. Past reviews can be found on Fantasy-Faction and Facets of Fantasy. I currently review for Publishers Weekly.
The story you envision rarely translates seamlessly into a book. Fresh, insightful eyes can be like sandpaper to gemstones. Publishing your work can be an intimidating but exciting adventure. I would be honored to partner with you on this journey.
Josephine L. Hao