I recently entered a partnership with Pandamoon Publishing as a substantive editor. This publishing house is what’s considered a small press. A publisher falls into this category when its annual sales are less than $50 million and the company is independently owned. The small press is yet another option when deciding how to put your finished novel into the hands of the reading public. Why choose a small press as opposed to a traditional large press or even self-publishing?
1. Marketing Knowledge and Reach
If you do not have a substantial social media presence, chances are that you will find having to market your new book to be a huge learning curve with lost potential sales along the way. The traditional publisher has industry contacts and an established network. The small press will have a smaller reach but most likely still far greater than yours alone.
2. Production and Distribution
No matter how you go about it, there is a cost associated with putting your book out there. Whether it is in ebook format or a physical paperback, you or someone of your choosing must execute, or at least coordinate its production. A publishing house will either have their own in-house editors, proofreaders, formatters, graphic designers, etc. or have a group of contracted individuals at the ready. As a self-publishing author, you will need to find each of these individuals on your own.
3. Contract Flexibility
A small press contract will likely be more flexible in its terms than a large, publishing house contract due to the simple fact that they have a smaller number of authors under their roof. If there are specific goals and priorities you do not want sacrificed, your chances of keeping them would be greater with a small press.
4. Potential Earnings
With greater marketing resources comes the potential for higher sales and thus profit. Granted, the publisher you work with will have a cut of the earnings, but the difference (with self-publishing) will likely be made up in volume.
There is no doubt that much thought and consideration must go into the decision of whose hands to place your precious book into. If you are somewhat of a control freak like me, chances are that self-publishing may be the route for you. However, even control freaks must take a breather every once in a while and admit that there are more competent hands to do the work. No matter what option you choose, always do your due diligence and research each and every potential candidate you are considering. May the odds be ever in your favor.

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